So to our dissatisfaction it seems something happened to the mailbox. It almost looks like someone might of hit the side of it, or the mailman got pissed one day -- either way it forces us to move it out of my neighbor's property. I am sure he will be happy (long story) :). So we decided the last owner has a cement slab on the corner of our driveway, so lets build a mailbox
So I was going to separate out these posts as I was taking photos, but I was lazy and only took the photos, but not post the posts. Sooooo, here is the beginning of Day 1 to Day3 (Although day 3 was a week later).
Day 1, we framed, bolted the framing to the cement, added sides, and even after too much time at Lowes figured out what mailbox to buy.
Day 2, spent too much for cedar shingles and then realized had to get a 2nd bundle >_<, although it is turning out quite nice. Next up the roof and trying to angle around this mailbox. Day 3, which is really next weekend, but we are finished! Seemed to turn out really good and now we have the neighbors seeing if we could build a 2nd one. :)
End of day 3, celebration of our hard work with a few drinks and a group of friends around the firepit. Good times.
Well, now we really do have to build
the chapel.
The abbey is loaded in the truck and on its way to Oklahoma City.
Took us several hours to play this epic game of trailer abbey parts