Drove ~600 miles total during the weekend towards Bend and was well worth it.
This was the top of the Lava Butte area and was a wonderful sight. Unfortunately due to sandles, obsidian, and shorts we weren't quite embraced to tromp through the snow very far. We still went pretty far from my insane desire for a photo, but couldn't complete the loop.
While driving through the first town after the pass, we were stopped in 10 mile per hour traffic from an ongoing rodeo parade. There were plenty of places to wonder and this guy happened to grab my attention.
I should of brought my other lens as the mountains look so far away from the wide angle distorting perspective, although still turned out pretty well. This was at the top of the point overlooking the lava fields with the surviving forest on each side. The lush greens in the middle give hope that even in the harsh environment there is still hope to survive.
This trail was an insane 7 mile drive through gravel and then a 3 mile hike. Although seeing tunnels where tree use't to resided was quite an amazing view.
This was the final hike of the adventure which turned out to be an great view. In a previous life these two waterfalls were merged, although from the rock giving way from the rushing water it continuously changes shape.
Well, now we really do have to build
the chapel.
The abbey is loaded in the truck and on its way to Oklahoma City.
Took us several hours to play this epic game of trailer abbey parts