Sunday, September 14, 2008

Been awhile

Well it has been about a month+, so I thought I'd throw up a few photos. Life has been alright, work has been hectic, and weekends have been fun. The last few weekends I watched the airshow, went on the Portland Spirit, did a lot of yard work, and saw the baby elephant at the zoo with a few friends. But time for some photos.

Wish it was a sunnier day, although this turned out well.

This is my roommate and I building a water reservoir and cooler in a computer. Nerdy? Yes. But either way was fun and the computer is still working afterwards. :) Always funny to see people's expression when stopping by and seeing water in a computer.

I was in the hammock while reading and playing with my camera, when a squirrel jumped around to grab some food out of the feeder. I really like how this photo turned out.


HISTORIAS DE ESTA VIDA X JMEC............... said...


Rick said...

Good photo of the squirrel. Where's the baby elephant?