Sunday, November 16, 2008

Leaf sucker

My roommate and I had a crazy idea and we could so see this on a comedy site. I bought a leaf blow and sucker, which I normally wouldn't get but you don't understand just how many leaves fall on our front and back yard. On the sucker piece they give you an ultra small bag that would fit maybe 1/50th of the leaves in the front. That would be insane! Sooooo, we had some extra dust collector tubing from the shop. We grabbed some duck tape and off we went.

After a little magical duck tape we got our invention up and running. The greatest thing about this concept, unlike paper or plastic bags you can really pack the cut up leaves to the bottom.

Packed and cut up leaves.

Imagine this whole yard with leaves... And then realize they all went into that bin. The chopping and packing definitely helped and provides a funny story. :)

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